oh hey there...

Tired of resenting motherhood?

Want to be fun mom again?

In this free guide I’ve outlined the 3 necessary skills for surviving motherhood without burning out! If even just one of these skills are missing, it’s harder than it should be to get through the day.

Instead of ending each day with frustration, guilt, and yelling at the kids to get to bed, you can have a feeling of gratitude, accomplishment, and a joy!

Get it sent straight to your inbox so you can start implementing the 3 skills today!

What if you could...

1. Feel calm & grounded

when your child is throwing a tantrum instead of overwhelmed, triggered, and angry.

2. Stop wishing this stage away

during the extra-long days that seem to never end with their to-do lists and interruptions and people that need you constantly.

3. know exactly how to handle the stress of being busy and needed all the timE

even when the world around you is chaotic.

What if you could...

1. Feel calm & grounded

when your child is throwing a tantrum instead of overwhelmed, triggered, and angry.

2. Stop wishing this stage away

during the extra-long days that seem to never end with their to-do lists and interruptions and people that need you constantly.

3. know exactly how to handle the stress of being busy and needed all the timE

even when the world around you is chaotic.

the goods

Here's what you'll learn:

The 3 important skills for surviving motherhood with grace while creating a peaceful home

  • What is the REAL reason you're struggling and why it's not what you think it is

  • What skill we aren't taught as moms that is VITAL to staying out of survival mode

  • What real balance looks like and how to start feeling like it's achievable

  • How to get out of your own way to FINALLY feel like you CAN do this

the goods

Here's what you'll learn:

Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Here's something great that you're going to learn!

  • Here's something great that you're going to learn!

  • Here's something great that you're going to learn!

  • Here's something great that you're going to learn!

  • Here's something great that you're going to learn!

nice to meet you

I'm MICHELLE, let's be friends!

I have been through burnout and back several times, and I FINALLY figured out how to break the cycle. I have a deep desire to see moms live their life fully awake and grounded, so they can create a ripple effect of goodness around them.

I'm a trained Registered Massage Therapist and homeschooling mom of 3, passionate about equipping moms with the skills we aren't taught in school like PROPER self care so we don't burn out, what balance really looks like, and taking care of our emotions.

nice to meet you

I'm Nicky, your new life + mindset coach.

Thanks for checking out my corner of the internet where I do this really great thing.

Establish your authority and add in some empathy without talking about yourself too much!

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